Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mini Houses/Urban Myth

The following pictures are PLAYhouses... yes for CHILDREN! Since I never had a playhouse growing up (still bitter) I thought houses like these were urban myths on the playground. 20 years later I find that they are REAL! Brace yourself and control your inner 7-year-old, these PLAY(again FOR FUN!)houses are AAAH-MAZING!

Because a garage is obviously necessary

Aren't these the most precious, adorable, darling (etc., etc.,) playhouses EVER!?

Interior (yes for the PLAYhouses) options

yes ... this is a playhouse!

Check out for more custom play houses!
*These lovely houses were originally found on "The College Prepster" 's blog site


  1. Haha, so insane, how much do people pay for these things. They're amazing but WOW.

  2. Couldn't find pricing.. even on the website I'm sure all those zeros would scare people away!

  3. The garage is necessary for the Power-wheels Convertible... Barbie edition. And of course, Ken's Jeep
